Woad Warriors
This rant was taken from woadwarriors.com, a project I worked on for a while to help me express myself better
“Ancient Celts would often paint themselves with woad before they went to war. This represented a transition from their daily life to that of the warrior. Marking themselves meant that they were ready for battle. It meant they were ready to go all the way. There was no going back. They would either die, or they would conquer the enemy.
Where are our woad warriors? All we have are woe worriers!” – Mike Hockney
The quote above really does sum up the difference between ancient man and todays masses. When I look around I am pretty sure almost no one I see has any real conviction or values that they understand and channel into the world. No body knows those around them or much cares unless they are involved in a transaction. There is no underlying connection or agreement with things as simple as where we came from, let alone that we should live peacefully, fairly and openly with all of the universe where possible.
There is something terrible going on behind the scenes of this world we live in and we all know it. We’re just waiting for someone to let the explanation finally roll off the tip of their tongues or unload some undeniable proofs so that we can all agree with how obvious it is and most of us can pretend that we knew it the whole time, duh. But who cares as long as we all know the truth.
When this happens and we have reached just the right number of conscious minds to tip the scale, we will revalue all values in realisation that although we are the majority, we are not living with any real freedom and effectively and sharply will become united, happilly accepting and taking our unknown roles in the carnage that must unfold to bring about heaven on earth.
The genius way in which we are controlled is mirrored effectively by the free market global system that we are becoming. The rich get richer and life gets easier while everyone else works harder yet feels poorer regardless of the number on the pay check. The “elite” of our world experience freedoms that we can only imagine and even though they do have it pretty damn good in a completely unbalanced sort of way, I am not even talking about celebrities and all that crap.
It is this way because of poor excuses for human beings who genuinely believe that they are better than everyone else and that as such we can be stepped upon, left to starve or used to their means as as compliant workforce. You know these people, I know these people, there is one in every group and sometimes more like 98.6%. What is kinda missing from all documentation and conversation through history (except by lots of people who lost their lives, their names and maybe got a side note at best) is that these assholes were around way before our “history” began and have lineage running all the way through it.
The magic trick is how these people continue to manipulate us even as we get smarter and smarter en masse. Distraction tactics, instigating division and conflict, using our psychology against us and even targeting our individual self consciousness – that which should make us free, elevate and unite humanity.
We live in a “Build your own consciousness” world where we can be what we want, do what we want and make seemingly endless choices with our free will, providing it is on the menu, you’ve got the spare time and cash and most importantly, its not a threat to these ass holes, their families or cronies living with real freedom.
Imagine for a moment what it would be like to have no worries whatsoever. The ability to travel anywhere, experience anything the world has to offer, build what you want, get what you want, do everything and anything in your own time and all while having no-one to answer to. No bosses, no need to explain yourself or worry about how your getting your next meal, just your free will, imagination and whatever adventure you want.
With the resources of time and space available to us on Earth, we really need to put all thought of elites and 1 percents behind us by removing their ability to continue. Kill off (metaphorically of course) the old world order, take back the land, resources and wealth and use it to ensure every human on earth has the same quality of home, food, safety, education and fulfilment of all basic human needs. Allow every human the same starting point in life, a base level of real freedom then encourage development, education and advancment by means of meritocratically allocating the rest.
If you want to travel the world and see the sights, do it and live simply. If you want to sit about all day and dribble, go nuts. If you want to be a brain surgeon, do it and in reward for your service and the lives you save, you get the big house and fancy car. What you don’t get is overflowing bank accounts or resources to pass down to your offspring who have done nothing to earn it and aren’t adding anything to aid the advance of humanity.
Rant over for now, stay good all
“Not everything important is measurable and not everything measurable is important.”
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move to higher levels.”
– Einstein
Plato's Alegory Of the Cave
My rendition of Plato's cave!
“Plato has Socrates describe a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality.” Wikipedia.
Imagine one of these prisoners turns around but if his eyes burn, vision blurs and the movement fills his body with pain. The likelihood is he will return to the wall - his personal reality - and dismiss the blurry vision of fire as illusion.
If dragged right out of the cave into the sun, he will gradually focus and be naturally enlightened with knowledge that these shadows and voices are a tiny piece of the full picture and not what he and his fellow prisoners believed. He will obviously see the superiority and complexity of this new reality and through love or pity, want to bring others to the light.
Like with real knowledge, the tale goes on to tell of the difficulty those now free philosophers face in attempting to explain/share this knowledge or to awaken others to this new understanding of a bigger reality.
It is a near impossible task to change anyone's mind, especially when explaining new ideas that directly question current beliefs or sit outside the persons paradigm.
Imagine then being this free prisoner, returning to the cave after being in the sun for so long to find your eyes blind in the darkness, unable to see what they do, rambling about how others like them but unchained create the sounds and shapes they are used to. What about attempting to explain fire, let alone the sun and the earth above?
Likelihood is your blindness scares them from taking the journey or they think you've gone mad.
Plato concludes, quite rightly, that the slaves would be unable or unwilling to comprehend and would likely fight and kill the philosopher if he should try to drag them from their reality.
The concept holds as true today as it did when originally written. We have all been part of the struggle with learning new theories in school or exploring different cultures, whose beliefs don't reflect your vision of reality. It doesn't matter how much you study, practice or are preached at, it just doesn't register as truth, regardless of the content.
The worrying thing about todays world is that like the slaves depicted above, the majority do not actually think for themselves when it comes to questioning reality, or worse they don't question at all and would sooner kill than rationally explore different ideas.
We are however in a very interesting time where the usual paradigms of creator god vs machine universe are getting less prevalent or appealing with every generation. Volumes of souls have been seeking answers elsewhere, with many moving to traditional eastern religions or following one of countless spiritual leaders, preaching anything from buddhism rip offs to materialist scientific theory and interpretation.
Lets be honest there's cult like followings based on lizard men, magic and even rolled up ad hoc string dimensions, but at least people in mass are starting to ask questions. Even if they are finding some of these bizarre, irrational answers satisfactory!
The task of philosophers in coming times is a huge one. Rational, open minded people need to agree upon a true, undenyable, common ground for all conscious humans. Something that all reasonably educated people can agree upon based on acceptable proofs (I don't mean experiments).
This theory of reality needs to remain logical, complete and consistent, satisfy sciences realm of material, clockwork processes while equally satisfying our spiritual nature and explaining free will, consciousness, mind/matter dualism, how and why the universe exists, souls, angels, demons, ghosts, god, the works.. then we have to enlighten the rest of the world, eek.
Unrest and seperation will continue to grow globally but in time people begin to recognise that the answers they are getting aren’t good enough and as awareness and consciousness grows in the population, so will the need for truth.
Two universal truths to start things off – Existence and Mathematics. We're here and you can't deny your own qualia. 1+1 will always =2 and that's objective fact, not a scientific interpretation.
Pythagoras, long ago proclaimed all things to be number which perhaps explains why our scientific establishment and its philosophy of materialism and empiricism has been unable to create a consistent, grand unified theory of reality. It has forgotten that mathematics, a metaphysical system, outside its own paradigm, is its engine and real source of power and not the philosophical interpretations we are fed.
Free will, Instinct and Consciousness - A Training exercise
Whilst developing your self awareness, these tools will help you start consciously changing your habits and behaviours. They may be childish in action but they lay foundations and strengthen thought process that can be extremely useful in so many ways.
But first! A quick reminder from Mike Hockney that you genuinely do have the free will that we will be utilising.
Deterministic Free Will
Free Will is totally deterministic. It’s based on parallel and networked, not linear, thinking, so inherently has the capacity to generate multiple thoughts at once, but only one of these thoughts can be actualised, so minds have evolved a capacity to evaluate and filter these thoughts, and select the “best”. In the animal world, thoughts are actualised instinctively. In the human world, they are actualised using System 1 thinking (fast, instinctive) or System 2 thinking (slow, considered). That’s the way the world works. All animals, and most humans, are stuck in System 1 thinking. Free will is arguably the second most misunderstood subject in the world, the first being mind itself. Everyone has fallen under the spell of science and can’t think in any terms other than those of classical physics. Nearly everything said in modern philosophy is false and reflects pre quantum mechanical thinking, or, just as bad, the fallacious Copenhagen version of quantum mechanics. Not once is mathematics ever mentioned with respect to free will. What a joke.
-Mike Hockney (Free Will and Will to Power)
And back to it then!
Step 1 - Pay attention to simple actions that your “sub”conscious mind initiates in every day life (system 1 thinking) and consciously over ride these with different actions (system 2 thinking).
Step 2 - That's it. No step 2! Simple right!?
How about a few examples and a bit of clarity?
Every kid walking to school followed the lines and cracks on pavements or had superstitions like not walking under ladders or over 3 drains in a row. You get bored while the system 1 daily stroll is in play and initiate system 2 for some entertainment. Its not long before this behaviour becomes instinct and you no longer have to actively look for ladders and drains, you just react.
How about every time you leave your front door you turn right because that's where the path goes. Start consciously recognising this and go the long way instead, turning 270 degrees left on occasion. You look a bit random but who gives a fuck? Its fun!
Maybe don't do this to the point of it becoming the norm but its just another simple way to actively be self aware and train your brains ability to over ride and update information.
Group exercises?!
A personal favourite, especially with like minded people and having a proper giggle is to change the shape of your lips, tounge and the space in your mouth, while laughing, to create some ridiculous sounds.
In this case, you're so focused on the entertainment or your friends and riding the emotions that come with it, that likelihood is, if your thinking of trying this, you will not remember to even try it for a while.
Remind yourself again when it calms down and you have a thoughtful moment, then manage the self awareness required.
If consciously interrupting these sorts of ingrained behaviours is new to you or something you left in childhood then it will be somewhat profound and the noises will undoubtedly fuel more laughter for you all.
This same idea transfers to loads of things in every day life. Most people have a set sneeze or cough and you can recognise exactly who it is without ever seeing them for example. Change it up! You will realise you can sneeze silently or in so many weird and entertaining ways, while gaining a conscious control of bits of your body you never realied were there.
Apply it to life!
One of the most integral parts of any self development is recognising your meta paradigm. The way you see and make sense of the world in every aspect, whether it is through the prizm of an almighty creator god, a mindless clockwork process universe, an ultimate oneness or whatever else.
Perhaps just as important is recognising what personality type you are, whether your sense of truth is best tuned to senses, feeling, intuitions or thinking and rationalising, or even a mix of the above in different spheres.
Although silly, practicing this awareness and conscious control is excellent training for searching your internal self for the above answers. It will develop the same functions of mind that you can then apply to the way you process all information and thought allowing you to constructively alter and expand your paradigm and hence understanding of reality.
I think it's only adults and the occasional confused teenager that doesn't categorically accept that they are a causal agent in the world and that they exercise free will on a near consistent basis, only being constrained by nature, physics or the will of other similarly capable beings.
It really is a shame that we have so many conflicting stories about the fabric and meaning of reality that we cant all agree and get on with creating heaven on earth for all, in simple, cooperative agreement.
The truth, or at least the first grand unified theory of everything that stands up consistently, completely and wholly rationally to the tautological mathematics that its philosophical interpretations are based on has entered the public arena through ontological mathematics. What's more is that almost every religion can be can be considered, in their majority, as an interpretation of the same mathematical theory with physics a mere subset.
If we all question our beliefs, rationally adapt and revalue all values then it will be no time before we take our place in the stars!
Religions and Spirituality
Why religion doe?
A persons religion is often the foundational paradigm on which all other beliefs and decisions throughout life are made and the prizm in which they view and interpret the world.
It is important to learn and to remember the many reasons why religion has always been part of our existence – The shared sense that we are somehow connected and part of something bigger than ourselves and that the world of our direct experience is somehow not the whole story.
Perhaps it's just the first and only chapter? The one before judgement and maybe sitting with our author? or perhaps one of infinite chapters, each evolving in complexity and capability, converging on perfection or enlightenment?
Most importantly, some would argue that religions have given us a means of satisfying our need for stories to explain that which we do not understand. Whether it be the movement of heavenly bodies in our skys, the brutality of mother nature, where we come from or even why we are here at all?
We NEED answers but with Orwellian doublethink and cognitive dissonance as strong traits of the modern human then it is no surprise that so many disproven stories and pure fantastical tales have managed to stay in our cultures and become firm beliefs.
The time may come where the entire population holds a single rational and enlightening religion of truth, practiced in harmony and in infinite personalised ways and in a shorter time than imaginable, humanity will build heaven for ourselves on earth and throughout the universe. Until then it important we understand the difference between stories and truth and keep our minds open to replacing outdated ideas when the facts do come along.
Monotheistic religious faiths which developed or derived from the Judaism of ancient Israelites. Christianity, Islam and Judaism share the God of Abraham although the many modern sects of each proclaim their own truths to the same verse. Some pick, choose and interpret what suits their agenda or opinion and some even deny entire books while preaching the next. Either way this Gods “infallible word” speaks of child mutilation (circumcision), child sacrifice (Isaac/Ishmael), mass murder (women, kids, cattle, the entire population bar Noah, too many to mention), direct condemnation of homosexuality (Romans 1:27), etc etc etc.
One thing is certain that very few practicing abrahamists have any understanding of the history behind their faith but instead abandon rationality and curiousity entirely, accepting a story that “answers” their questions and feelings about the universe. It is clear to anyone with their eyes open that this category of religion has caused more harm than benefit for our race, potentially putting us some thousand or more years behind in our development. The only saving grace of these religions is the sense of community and inclusion that many churches bring, though in a better world this would be the standard and faith would play no part barr a faith in one another.
However originally intended, these religions always lead to division with masters pulling the strings of the sheeple for their own benefit. No better example than the sale of indulgences by the churches professional pardoners, allowing the faithful to sin on a pay-as-you-go scheme or even go into debt in order to buy your recently departed a shorter stay in purgatory. Though perhaps some of todays religious extremism would serve a better example of the danger we are in when stories are elevated to the status of unquestionable truth.
Much more abstract and intuitive in its approach to God, Indian philosophy speaks of an infinite phenomenal and illusory world (the veil of maya) that emerges from some sort of void or emptiness. Each apparently individual soul seeks to return to the whole through enlightenment, bringing an end to the illusion and return to true reality. There are many different schools of thought regarding the nature and name of this reality but all agree that it is a return to nothing, zero, void.
It is worth noting that India is responsible for enlightening the world with the 0 that we all take for granted in todays 0-9 number system, possibly humankinds most useful tool for exploring and understanding the universe. Eastern religions and philosophy have maintained the ontology of the number in its representation of lifes meaning and explanation. “They asserted that Zero (Sunya or Poojyam) was Nihuna Brahman (attributeless truth) and infinity (Poornam or anata) was Saguna Brahman (truth with attributes). Infinity was a manifestation of Zero.” – Shivprasad Swaminathan
Eastern religions generally follow the concept of Samsara, endless, cyclical reincarnation which can only be ended through enlightenment. One of its few shocking flaws is that of Karma, a somewhat divine cause and effect system which is utterly impossible to defend or explain as an active force in our world. Karma in the modern world means something subjective and different to every person and in all forms it breeds the thought that some people or ourselves are better or more deserving than others. It implies that it is ones own fault when facing even the harshest of situations as inflicted by the evil of others in this life or as an effect of a previous life that you had no control over. This is clearly seen in the caste systems where the the lowest were seen not as struggling human beings but as sub-human “untouchables” naturally deserving of their situations.
Empiricism: The theory that all knowledge is based on experience derived from the senses.
Materialism: the theory or belief that nothing exists except matter, its movements and modifications.
Although not formally a Religion, this describes the dogmatic stance held by the majority of todays global scientific establishments. Like all religious groups, these two basic theories provide a paradigm that frames all beliefs and some of the most unlikely stories to explain phenomena.
This leads to a some frankly embarrassing claims and explanations, only addressing how but never thinking or caring about why. It leaves that question to the traditional religions and instead invokes a clockwork universe with no room for simple facts like free will. The universe supposedly came from a fluctuation in nothing.. with no explanation as to what nothing is or how it differs from something? If it is able to support a “fluctuation” then nothing is surely another substance and if it is in fact non-existence then quite simple how do the two states exist together.
Our establishments have proven illogical in so many ways but rather than the hand of God, the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics (our most successfully validated maths to date) leaves us with the answer that either nothing exists unless observed, which just begs more questions, or that everything is fundamentally based on pure probability and as such anything and everything is random and that anything possible is compulsory, leading to mind bending and contradictory multiverse theories. As Einstein put it so eloquently, “God doesn’t play dice”.
Modern scientist acknowledge that they understand less that 5% of the universe and like to say that they know what happens from an infinitesimal moment after the big bang, yet have no theories whatsoever regarding the state prior or the reasoning as to why any of this happened at all.
Mathematics is the engine behind science but there is no philosophy left in their explanations and understanding of the equations. Basic logic has been thrown out the window along with number theory and they instead insist that number sets define logic and fundamental units, while throwing ad hoc math together just to remove the numbers we don't understand or find difficult to use. Just because negative, imaginary and complex numbers are a bit strange or unobservable, that does not remove their ontology as they are clearly fundamental in leading to measurable effects.
One of the worst blunders in science is the theory that mind is not inherent, even unconsciously, in the building blocks of the universe but some how “emerges” unlike any other phenomena you could care to imagine. Anyone with the simplest access to intuition knows that mind is primary to matter and our thoughts themselves prove simply that not all knowledge has to be obtained through the senses. Can you smell, touch or taste your thoughts? Furthermore, where is the physicality and measurability in the laws and maths that science invokes consistently? There is none! Just the blind leading the blind and big money filtering through the mortgage and lifestyle careerists. Those wise enough to explore outside the box (the empiricist, materialist paradigm) are shunned, given no funding and often openly mocked by peers.
All ancient religions seem to follow some very simple rules with the full story details and scope being directed or developed by specific peoples, dependant on geography and perhaps the day to day way of life. Until the dawn of Abrahamism, all cultures generally followed “pagan” beliefs and spoke of Polytheism, that there were multiple Gods, all with specific intent or purpose in the world. Each God would be invoked to explain something of the world around us that was otherwise inconceivable at the time. Is it any wonder that Christianity invented the word Pagan as a derogatory term for heathens who “worship false Gods” whilst claiming their stolen deity as the only true God.
In a time where we had more questions than answers as a species, it makes sense that all over the world our cultures generated a mixture of objective and subjective Gods. Some of these were overseen by a God head or high council but they would cover all aspects of life. If a power moved the sun and stars, that God would have a name, if the crops grew well in a season, that was the doing of another God. People could worship any God of their choosing, perhaps asking for higher wisdom, less fear or whatever they required as a person/people at the time.
A pattern emerges through history in which Gods and their stories are updated or overthrown with the progression of human understanding, exploration and explanation. This is most clearly seen with the fall of the Zeus and his council of Gods who after replacing the Titans, fell from mount Olympus into mythology and eventually into story books and television shows.
The mathematics of existence is referred to as “ontological mathematics” and has come a long way from measuring the relationships of angles in triangles to being a fully developed system which explains all of existence as emanating from a single equation, the God Equation – Euler's Formula.
“Ontological mathematics is Fourier mathematics applied to everything: to the whole cosmos and all of existence. Ontological mathematics asserts that reality is entirely derived from sine and cosine waves (analytic sinusoids). All of heat, light, sound, matter, energy, motion, time, space, mass, thought, mind, will, the unconscious, consciousness, mind-matter interactivity, feelings, desires, free will, causality, quantum mechanics, gravity and holography are wave phenomena, defined by Fourier mathematics.” – Mike Hockney
“Illumination is “the most highly developed expression of Gnosticism. Dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment, it has many parallels with Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. It rejects the Abrahamic religions of faith: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Almost in reaction to Christianity at around 1AD these schools of thought stressed the importance of gnosis (personal knowledge) and illumination or enlightenment over religious teaching and tradition.
Many groups reacted directly to passages of the bible, calling the god from these books the devil and listing such atrocities as human sacrifice and mass drowning as evidence. They refused the cosmic torture god of the bible as false with the threat of heaven or hell and all forms of Gnosticism agree that the material world around us is created imperfect by an evil or ignorant force known as the Demiurge.
As such the day to day world of illusion can only be overcome through gnosis in terms of both personal, perceptual experience and spiritual or esoteric growth and knowledge.
The problem with the soul is that we all know there is something bigger going on “inside” us but if science hasn’t found it yet then perhaps this is all there is. Bullshit. Through all time and in every culture and civilisation all humans have had this concept of soul and everyone has had their own explanation, most of which are pure mythos stories but always with the same intuitive glimpses like reincarnation and all being small parts of a bigger whole.
Alchemists started using maths rather than blindly experimenting and boom! Science was born which was to be the death of the soul. A mid-17th century battle was won by the wrong side. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Idealist and Rationalist) vs Isaac Newton (Materialist and Empiricist), 2 of the most capable minds of any time who are both noted for their independent creation of calculus based on infinitesimals. Had reason and the primacy of mind over matter prevailed then the world would be different place. We would be star trek advanced by now and practice religion in such a different way.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. If you accept energy as the basic unit of existence then you accept mental, dimensionless energy as evident in thoughts themselves. As such we have no beginning or end, only change. Our bodies and egos that have grown together will fade following the cosmic rule of entropy as all dimensional things in spacetime do. The soul, the source of our energy, the mental realm, however, continues evolving in complexity through its feedback loop with infinite reincarnational bodies.
Grandmaster Leibniz
1646 – 1716 Germany.
Leibniz remains one of the most incredible, rationalist and idealist minds of all time. An incredibly intuitive mathematician, he is noted with the discovery of calculus, based on on infinity, at approximately the same time as Newton.
Even today we still use his form and notation and outside this he made great leaps in everything from library organisational systems to the binary system that runs our digital age.
His metaphysical, mathematical and philosophical work on rationalism, culminating in the theory of Monads is revolutionary and still not recognised for its full brilliance or the advances in its math based theory to date. He even intuitively desribes holography as a core feature of our universe but it is not for over 100 years that this was given mathematical definition.
It has to be noted that through his many letters and works he made it evident that the God fearing christian culture he found himself in meant having to write for his audience and that to explain all of his thoughts and publish would leave much unread by his peers and perhaps declarations of blasphemy and worse. It was better to have his work read and claim the well known God as the prime mover, however it is clear in his personal writings that he questioned a creator and many aspects of current universal theory.
It is claimed that around the time his endless publishing dramatically reduced, he was asked to take over as the head of a Gnostic and Mathematics based secret society, formerly Pythagoras school and continued his game changing works without prejudice.
It is well known that he continued his works on a somewhat universal truth and logic calculator however, it is less known that in this quest he was the first to recognise something todays mathematicians completely miss, subjectivity and free will in the universe, hence subjective and objective mathematics operating together.
Unlike Newton, Leibniz knew the primacy of mind over matter, of mathematical and metaphysical contemplation over empiricist experimentation and was dedicated to rational truth rather than a necessarily personable God figure.
“Sir Isaac Newton and his followers have also a very odd opinion concerning the work of God. According to their doctrine, God Almighty wants to wind up his watch from time to time: otherwise it would cease to move. He had not, it seems, sufficient foresight to make it a perpetual motion.“
Leibniz to Caroline of Ansbach
Building on his a priory and a posteriori knowledge system, he and generations of peers have philosophised and theorised with tautological, universal, mathematically provable facts while basing existence on the mathematical Soul or Monad and treating all of math, even that of unobservable consequence in the empiricist standard, as ontological.
It truly is a shame that the world followed Newton and materialist empiricism rather than Leibniz and Idealism, Metaphysics and Mathematics.
Science today offers an irrational clockwork universe that springs out of a probability cloud or some such or magically grew from a fluctuation in nothing, with no attempt to explain what nothing is or how it differs from something, among so many other philosophically questionable and incompatible theories.
If we'd taken the other path, we'd already have a rationally and mathematically explainable model of reality based on The principle of sufficient reason. This would be understood by the majority and the world would be unrecognisable from today's in all ways, likely already living out among the stars.
424 – 347 BC probably one of the most well known ancient Greek philosophers, probably known best for platonic idealism’s theory of forms. His work has influenced and changed so much in the world, ranging from religion to politics, culminating in numerous great works that have survived thousands of years.
This speaks of a still yet untried and tested city state which has the leaders be philosopher kings. Rule by the smartest.
These people would be highly educated, chosen by and working for their peers and have no need of personal wealth or property but would instead have what they need provided by the state they lead.
Instantly this removes any chance that they act for personal rather than social gain and instead govern the people based on rational, well thought and discussed ideas.
Platos philosophy is based on the theory of forms and how in reality the form of good emanates all other perfect forms of all things in their archetype, ranging from horses to love.
The world of our senses is an imperfect copy and the true world can only be glimpsed through our ability to reason.
This lead to to neoplatonism and numerous other schools of thought, many of which deal with elevating ones self to the “form of good” or the “one” and some sort of nirvana or merging with god event. Many of his ideas were even incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church.