Shit Happens

Put it in the fuck it bucket and move on. Don’t waste energy with the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s or dwelling in the past, worrying about the future or feeling sorry for yourself. Get on with it! Like the Stoics, accept what comes and stay positive.

Don't Be a Dick

My personal mantra. I suppose it translates to the golden rule of most religious and spiritual movements.. however, I am more than comfortable treating you the way that you treat me and would expect the same. 

The Reality Principle

Does the moon disappear when were not looking? No chance! Objective reality remains regardless of observation. Idealism can go to far if not properly, mathematically understood. Although each of us can only know truth and reality from our own perspective we must accept the objective arena. Only in our dreams are the rules our own.

Occams Razor

The simplest answer is usually the correct one! When mutliple explanations describe the same occurence, the one that assumes the least is most likely. 11 ad hoc dimensions and ontological real numbers or 6 explainable dimensions as a direct consequence of treating all numbers equally?

The Path of Least Resistance

People naturally follow this rule, not because they are lazy, but because it is the natural order of the cosmos. Only through consciousness are we blessed with the ability to choose harder paths in hope of greater rewards. Can you imagine any animal put through the marshmallow test actually waiting for the second round?

The Principle of Sufficient Reason

Everything must have a sufficient reason to be as it is and not otherwise. One of the fundamental tools for discovering absolute truth.

Energy Conservation

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. Our universe with infinite phenomena balances its positive and negative energy perfectly. It is both everything and nothing! The same goes for mental energy and as such we have no beginning or end, only change, only becoming.

Spooky Action at A Distance

Einsteins excellent phrase to describe non locality as shown in quantum mechanics and a perfect example of meta paradigms causing blindness. Refusal to accept the ontology of negative and imaginary numbers and the other side of the Lorentz transformations in its equations makes non locality absurd. However it is a simple function of the system when one takes into account a space and timeless mental domain that connects all things. Welcome to the singularity <3

Quantum Tunnelling

Another laughable scientific theory. The idea that something on a quantum level that does not possess enough energy to overcome an obstacle can borrow the required energy providing it is paid back quickly. WHAT?! magic free energy? Does the particle pop into the future and bring back a little extra? No reason for such a claim other than a poor explanation of our observations. How about a much simpler one. Its the same again, the wave function on the other side of the equation is assumed to have no ontology 


All things are born from the simplest substances, endless adaptation and growth. Some insist that this process is random but it's more than coincidence that these changes appear to be directed. Everything is evolving and growing in complexity towards perfection according to an innate will to higher power.

Ontological Math

Ever notice that all scientific and technological breakthroughs are born through maths? It’s not coincidence that numbers describes our reality so well and its time we get the maths right!


Something cannot come from nothing. Existence cannot stand with pockets of non-existence.

In fact, nothing is actually everything from another perspective! Welcome to the realm of the soul and the number one fear of the scientific materialist special club. 

The Dialectic

Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. The brutal, messy but beautiful way in which the everything seeks perfection. Thesis: Materialistic Science. Antithesis: The Mind, Religion etc. Synthesis: Ontological Mathematics.

Organ of truth

As Neitsche knew so well, we have no organ for truth, only fallible senses, irrational feelings and our Reason alone to dig for the facts. We do not experience or know reality directly, only our interpretation through senses that were developed for survival, not philosophy.


Colour does not exist objectively but is a spectrum of light in which our eyes and minds are able to detect and distinguish certain frequencies.

A universe of waves and atoms that are almost entirely empty space (ether) appears to our senses as solid, beautiful and wonderful phenomena.


I am god. You are god. We are all god. Or at least the potential is within us all. Illuminate ourselves and each another to build a community of the divine. Heaven will be what we make it. Each soul is a subject and each subject contains and is part of the whole. Holography. All for one and one for all.


Faith should be reserved for people! Have faith in one another but accept reality when people let you down. No fundamental truth will ever be uncovered through belief, just a blindness to those truths that go against your paradigm. Faith, not reason is the devils whore and one of the biggest obstacles to human mental evolution. 


Revolution pretty much. That or we need a new country in which to build a fair community. The inevitable progression of any reasonable, rational, self conscious beings. The problem being that we live in a world of varied consciousness, all of which is trained well in the master slave paradigm. Time, freedom and all forms of wealth should be spread more evenly, with extended privilege and compensation for the most meritocratic in our societies but never allowing any one person so much that it is detrimental to the whole. 


We need to some how remove “lawyering” and inject morality into the system. Who cares if section 3a part 2 of some ancient decree can be interpreted to get you off the hook. You made the decision to let your company dump that nuclear material in an orphanage, you pay the price.


66 Million people in the UK. Nearly 10 million in London and around the 1 million point in a handful of cities.. Why have one super city rather than 60, 1 million strong communities all in healthy competition with one another but to the same goals. What could we not achieve?



Possibly the least understood of all scientific measurements! There is no time travel, there is only now. The uncapturable, never ceasing movement inherent in our universe. There is no coincidence that the imaginary numbers are always present in equations regarding time but science hasn’t caught on yet.


The real reason that Einsteins theories were able to perform so well. Relativity may be a joke but merging space and time is the real reason for his success. Perhaps we should rename time “imaginary space”?

Free will

All souls are uncaused, causal agents. How and why would a mechanical, lifeless being stuck in the flow of machine causality, even consider the thought of freedom?



A level of mind exists in all things. It may be irrelevant or unconscious, however mind is still present. Consciousness does not “emerge”, it is a spectrum and Humans are getting there slowly! Self consciousness is what separates us from the animals and through language and higher knowledge this is elevated. The disparity of consciousness throughout humankind is both dramatic and disturbing.


True intuition is our minds ability to pluck the truth from seemingly nowhere. All things are connected outside space and time, the realm of mind. Try measuring or counting out a thought!


Don’t be. Being is lifeless, complete, an end point, boring. Become. Becoming is potential being actualised. Dialectic struggle to full actualisation, full consciousness and freedom. Our world is far from its pinnacle and we will all be gods before we can claim to “be”. Lets be honest, when we get there we’re only going to get bored and start again with a Big Bang!



One of the few counter intuitive and kind ideas to come from the East. As has been seen with the caste systems, this belief validates the bullshit idea that some are more deserving than others of even lifes basic neccesities. This evil doctrine claims an unmeasurable force in the universe that subjectively weighs the choices your different egos make through countless cycles of rebirth and as such your misfortune is your own making, even if clearly the work and fault of others or your taking the fall for a previous or future ego. Its plain incoherent and irrational.

I do however accept that most people including myself have a consciously, ego driven sense of karma which is entirely personal and situational, however this is more a coping mechanism and behavioural thing than a universal, shared law. I miss my bus one morning but I was quite rude to my previous driver, shit happens, get over it. Someone steals your bike, the wheel miraculously falls off while he/she is getting away, instant karma.


We all feel an omnipotent and all powerful force in our universe but are split in our understanding. Some have faith and believe in an all mighty creator and some of us know it to be our own infinite energy and potential. I am god. You are god. We are all god. Illuminate ourselves and each another to build a community of the divine. Heaven will be what we make it. Each soul is a subject and each subject contains and is part of the whole. Holography. All for one and one for all!


Don’t. Any being regardless of how powerful or made up it may be need not be worshipped. It is diabolical to think that some all good higher power would create an entire universe just so that we could get on our knees and pay it lip service. It is much worse again when people just like you and me believe they are of a different ilk and genuinely superior so deserve more at our expense. It’s your life, dont give it to anyone else and don’t expect anyone else to give you theirs. No more masters, no more slaves 


3 Types of Person

The master-slave dialectic that has such a huge influence on so many aspects of our world is the logical culmination of the dominant, aggressive and submissive, passive personality types interacting. Hawks and Doves. We should all strive to be the tertium quid – Retaliators, peaceful like the Doves, but ready to out Hawk anyone who threatens our collective and personal freedoms and advancement. Your either with the human race or against it, evolution or destruction, but noone should seek to be controlled or benefit at the expense of another.